Lately (2).

So it’s been a while so I figured it’s probably a good time to update you on my journey in the unknown that is life.

I know for most of the time  don’t write or pay as much attention to this blog as perhaps I should. It’s just that I don’t think you’d find things like”woke up and brushed my teeth” very interesting. I’m always hoping that something will happen. Unfortunately my life has hit a pretty big brick wall and not much has been going on. Hopefully by September I’ll be back on track.

I say September because at the time I was writng my last post, I was in the middle of writing my application to universities in London to study an LLM (a postgrad in Law). I managed to get an offer my old uni which was very pleasing, but got slapped from the next one. Pretty hurtful just like any rejection but I having taken so many rejection I can say I’ve become reasonably thick skinned to deal with it. Unfortunately for me, the remaining universities are seen  as the more higher esteemed places to study than the uni I just got rejected. Doesn’t bring much confidence but then I’m still clinging to hope that a miracle will happen. Still I can be please I have an offer so I’ll definitely be studying again in the year.

So while I wait for their replies I’ll just hang around till my life and enjoy my freedom before my life is taken over by books, deadlines, libraries and assignments. Should be fun!

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