The day is nearly upon us and in only a couple of hours time, I will embark on one of the toughest, if not, the toughest challenge I have ever attempted.

I confess I am getting quite nervous as start time looms. Naturally this is my first ever walk of this length across unknown terrains and paths.

Getting my stuff together: copious amounts of sugary food to get my energy levels up, spare clothes, first aid medicine, money to get home and water, all kept in waterproof, resealable bags. All things weighed, everything came to 10kg ;)

I wish I was able to squeeze in a bit more training time. But a pretty hectic week and raw blisters from last training session meant I was force to curtail any further training until the actual trek.

Despite the anxiety, I am happy that I have done everything I could to give myself the best chance of overcoming this challenge. I am well rested, well nourished, well equipped. I am grateful that I got those blisters last week otherwise I would never have prepared my first aid kit properly. I am grateful I have all the food I need. I am also extremely glad to have such a resourceful, knowledgeable and helpful walking buddy whom, without I don’t I would come prepared for this challenge at all. I am also grateful to my old friends from university who were kind to lend me their bag (massive help when I packed my gear this evening!) and wished me luck.

Dat Route Doe…

I’ve learnt a great deal in the lead up to at the event. I know what kit you need and the general preparation to give yourself the best possible chance of success. We may be walking but this is no walk in the park! I had just 2 weeks to prepare. 2 weeks of rollercoaster emotions from joy, worry, anxiety and pain. By Sunday morning, it will all be over.

I hope it’s enough. Come success or failure, I am glad I am did it. Wish me luck! See you in Brighton!

All packed and ready to go!

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