Bond, are you home?

So, do you know what makes me annoyed sometimes? When someone asks you really stupid questions. For example, I would arrive home and the first thing one of my relatives would ask me is “Bond, are you home?”

Come on, I’m standing right in front of you! Of course I am home. Who do you think I am? I feel obliged to give them equally silly answers as a measure as to how stupid their question really was. So, in answer to the question above, I would reply “no, I died on my way home. This is my Ghost”. Then they go away all huffing and puffing. Revenge.

Of course, there are plenty other examples. For instance, the other day, I came home soaking wet and my sister asked me if it was raining outside. I replied “no” as I walked back to my room, leaving a trail of water in my wake.

Sometimes, I get really annoying and give them totally useless answers in an act of revenge. For instance, a relative would ask where I’ve been and I would tell them I went to England – useless seeing as I live in there. If they keep asking they’ll eventually get to the answer they were looking for but I’d imagine most of the time, they wouldn’t even bother. Check out Natalie Tran’s vlog on this.

So, do you sometimes get asked stupid questions and in an act of revenge, give them crap answers?

Or is it just me? Probably just me :P

What do you think? Leave a comment below!