Oktoberfest 2014

A wise man once said that “he who invented beer is a very wise man.” I can’t recall who that wise man is but I would bet he is German.

What is Oktoberfest I hear you ask? Oktoberfest is the world’s largest fun fair held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. It lasts for 16 days and takes place typically in late September to early October. Over 6 million people attend Oktoberfest every year and is an important part of Bavarian culture since 1810.

For many, Munich is not a bus ride away from home and so Oktoberfest is now being held around the world so people around the world could get involved. Expect copious amounts of beer, singing and proud Germans in lederhosen and very pretty Heidi’s.

Fear not if you can’t make it. Germans specialty shops are sure to hold some celebration wherever they are.

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